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Myopia Control in Newcastle

Myopia is more commonly known as short-sightedness. Near objects are clear, but far away objects appear blurred.

​Myopia is reaching epidemic levels globally. Myopia in children can develop at any age and continue to progress until the late 20s in most cases. The younger your child is when they are first found to be myopic, the higher the prescription is likely to become. The likelihood of developing short-sightedness increases if either parent is also short-sighted but there is a 25% chance of developing myopia even with no family history. The onset of myopia can also be lifestyle dependent and is more likely in children who participate in prolonged near-work activities at a very close working distance, and those that spend less time outdoors.

What is Myopia?

Close Up of Females Eye - Myopia Control

Want to learn more about our Children's Eye Exams? 


What are the risks with Myopia?

Eyes with a high degree of myopia are at an increased risk of developing a number of eye diseases in later life such as retinal detachment or glaucoma. Any amount of myopia produces an increased risk of developing these conditions in later life. 


With every dioptre saved we can reduce the risk of;

Cataract by 20%

Retinal detachment by 30%

Glaucoma by 20%

Myopic maculopathy by 40%

Visual impairment by 25%

How we can help...

Querido & Davidson have been at the forefront of myopia management in children since 2006, being one of only a small handful of UK practices prescribing Orthokeratology contact lenses for children as young as six years old. Other recent innovations in myopia control now allow us to use a large portfolio of different spectacle and contact lens options to control myopia in children. The sooner these interventions are put in place, the more likely it is that the prescription will be kept under control, keeping the eyes in better health in later life.

At your visit, our Optometrists will discuss with you a tailored management plan that matches your child’s needs to have the most appropriate vision correction and control their myopia as they grow and long term myopia control into adulthood. As part of their Myopia Control Program, they will have regular follow-up appointments at scheduled intervals - including measurements to show whether the eyes have grown, proving whether their myopia is under control. To do this we use our Topcon MYAH axial length monitoring instrument. This is a state of the art non-invasive scanning instrument that maps and monitors changes in the growth of the eye over time.

Ready to book a Myopia Management Consultation?

Want to know more about controlling Myopia?

Click here to read more about the management options we have available
  • Learn more about John
    John Davidson BSc(Hons) MCOptom, Prof Cert Glauc John is Director & Principal Optometrist at Querido & Davidson Optometrists. He has been a registered optometrist since 1994, and trained at Bradford University. His particular areas of interest are in glaucoma, keratoconus & managing corneal disorders using contact lenses. He practices orthokeratology, & specialist contact lenses fitting. John completed his College of Optometrists' Professional Certificate in Glaucoma in 2021 via Cardiff University. John also has a keen interest in Leadership and management having completed a postgraduate certificate in Leadership at Cardiff University in 2014. He has lectured throughout the UK & Europe on contact lens related issues & has published work in the peer reviewed journals "contact lens & anterior eye" & "Optometry in Practice". He is a previous examiner for the College of Optometrists' final professional qualifying examinations, and previous chairman of the North East contact lenses Society.
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